Western Michigan Genealogical Society

Western Michigan Genealogical Society
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Kent County Farm Bureau News 1918 - 1926

An every name index to the Farm Bureau News.

War of 1812 Contributor

This database is a listing of the names of people mentioned in the Kent County Farm Bureau News that was published starting 1918 (Vol 1 No 1 Feb. 27 1918 - 4 pages), through the last issue that has been indexed in 1926 (Volume 9 No 12 December 1926 - 8 pages)

The masthead of the first issue states that it is "published monthly by the Kent County Farm Bureau". The first issue describes how the Kent County Farm Bureau itself came into being 4 years earlier.

Copies of pages from these publications are $5 each.


Good Luck with your searches!!!

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Last modified by Roger on: March 05 2015 10:22 AM
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