Western Michigan Genealogical Society

Western Michigan Genealogical Society
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Kent County Marriage Index

An index to the marriages recorded in Kent County, Michigan from 1845 to 1929.

War of 1812 Contributor

The Western Michigan Genealogical Society is in the process of computerizing the index to the early Kent County marriage records. The index is being placed on the Western Michigan Genealogical Society’s website for your benefit.

Currently there are 152,744 records in the database. When it's finished, each person will (should) appear in the index twice since the Kent County Clerk’s records have each marriage indexed under both the first spouse and the second spouse's names.

The originals are held at the Kent County Clerk’s Office, and you can request copies of any records of interest from them.

Download this form and complete it as instructed. While it doesn't have a space for the Book and Page Numbers that our index provides, write them on the form in the Marriage License section, and indicate that you don't know the date (unless you do of course).

Include payment as instructed on the form.

Or you can order online, but at this time the online form isn't set to accept the Book and Page number. This is being worked through currently, and so may change in the future. You can do this online by going to this page https://www.accesskent.com/VitalRecords/ and clicking the link at the bottom for "Marriage Records 1845 to Present".

There is a fee for this - from the AccessKent.com web site:

Special notice about marriage record requests:
1) The search fee for a vital record is $10 and includes one certified copy. Additional copies of the same record are $3 for each copy. A nominal convenience fee ($3) also applies to your order total. Search and convenience fees are non-refundable.

The following are volunteers who have willingly spent their time on this project.

  Christy Bogeld
  Betty Johnson
  Kay Paskiewicz
  Trenna VanderWoude
  Steve Butman
  Mindy Koole
  Kayleen Pawloski
  Judy Vezzehi
  Pat Dobbins
  Jeri Landheer
  Nancy Phillips
  Joanie Welke
  Ann Ed
  Melissa LaRue
  Evelyn Sawyer
  Dean Wickes
  Carla Gaunichaux
  Debbi Mann
  Marge Schnell
  Roxann Wilkinson
  Kimberly Houtman
  Pam McKinley
  Terry Start
  Judy Wilson
  Mary Huizen
  Roger Moffat
  Linda Stopker
  Karma Hunt
  Nancy Myers
  Jan Stypula
  Sue Irvine
  Chris Owen
  Diane Teelander


Good Luck with your searches!!!

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Last modified by Roger on: March 05 2015 10:22 AM
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