Western Michigan Genealogical Society
The table below lists the total number of entries for each year, and shows the number of Teachers and the number of Pupils listed for each year. Teachers are indicated in the Search Results with a * after their First Name.
This database is connected to a shopping cart system, so you can accumulate the records you might want and then place your order when complete. You can pay by PayPal, or print out an order form to mail with a cheque. Copies of a record are $5 each - this includes the front and rear of a page. Samples of pages are available here. 1903 Front of Page, 1903 Rear of Page, 1925 Front of Page, 1925 Rear of Page Good Luck with your searches!!!
This page has been visited by 6,733 people looking for Western Michigan Connections.
Last modified by Roger on: March 05 2015 10:22 AM
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